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lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Extraordinary problems require extraordinary resources

Chile is facing extraordinary problems. In order to become a developed country, Chile needs to tackle the problems generated from outdated public policies in critical areas. Social pressures are jeopardizing huge investments in education, infrastructure, energy and mining. Continuing progress is at risk. To reach economic development, Chile needs urgent cultural development. And cultural development implies quality education. The mother of the problems.
But if problems can be turned into opportunities then, the current educational crisis in Chile is a huge opportunity to achieve the cultural shift that should provide the final momentum to reach the “developed country” status. The cultural change needed has to be broad enough to obtain the critical mass needed to change the dominant paradigm. Chile´s best bet is to produce it through a new, modernized higher education system.
In the eye of the protester´s storm, education is redefining its very foundations. A new accreditation system is being implemented. Our Government is creating an Educational Superintendence to monitor the whole system. Financing students has become a great issue. The whole higher education´s admission procedures are questioned. Early specialization and the duration of academic programs are under scrutiny. Higher education seems to be reaching a dangerous crossroad. Some universities, unable to evolve, are being closed. Everyone has questions, no-one has good answers.
The classical scientific approach of isolating the problem and dividing it into different parts, does not work in an interconnected world. Chilean teachers only feel comfortable in the fragmented world they understand. They are not prepared to perform in a global, interconnected, interdisciplinary world. Even though they realize the need for change, their reluctance to transform the system is proverbial. Evolution will only be possible with strong, qualified and resilient leadership.
Yes, the correct tuning of this new education system is a high risk-high reward problem. Unfortunately, the best professionals that should be leading this systemic change are not easily found in the traditional education institutions. Attracting excellent leadership to education should be a top priority for every university. Some institutions have already done it. A few economists, engineers, psychologists, authors and top executives of the entrepreneurial world, have acknowledged their social responsibility, by getting involved in education. They understand that the future is designed in today´s education.
Now is the precise moment to invest in educational leadership. Education is beginning to experiment a colossal metamorphosis. The final product of this significant transformation will depend on the quality of the debate and the value of the ideas.  Thus, strong and unbiased leadership is of paramount importance. The future of Chilean society will certainly be shaped by the profound implications of the-soon to be reformed-higher education.
Most of the recognized authorities in education have ideological biases. They are prisoners of their convictions. For the sake of our country, they should resign. We need to make room for new thinking. As soon as possible! We are not doing any good trying to show that our old ideas are right when time has proven them wrong. Please, accept this invitation and resign with honor. Our country needs new resources in education. Your job is needed for fresh ideas. Your mind can´t produce them anymore. Accept your limitations and get a job in a different area. Let go of that enormous ego and set our education free to finally become the hope of the next generation of Chileans. Goodbye and thank you!

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